Do It In God's Strength


Hello Beautiful People!

1. You change your thoughts and you change

Your world action is the foundation key to all success get this concept in your mind the church was established by action Jesus Christ gave the twelve disciples a command it's called the great commission go into all the world and preach the gospel. He didn't say sit around in a committee of 12 people and talk it to death until it dies if you're looking for 12 people to agree on anything you will die with old age before you accomplish anything don't wait until the printing press isn't invented don't wait until the radio comes along or television or colored television is in every house in america or the dictator called the cell phone is dominating the world you're not going to have to wait to that Jesus Christ said go right now go into all the world go over the message that I have given you go in the power of my name go to heal the sick go and cast out demon spirits go with the power of the word be anointed with the holy spirit and you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you.

This world has powerless churches because we've kept God and the word and the authority of the word out of the house of God, let it come to us, we desperately need to find our moral compass, so how do I renew my mind first you accept the fact that failure is an event it's not a person that yesterday really did end last night and today is a brand new day God divided your life into 24-hour modules because that's all you could stand optimism is the foundation of success say that with me optimism is the foundation of success.

Back to the statement if you think you can, you can if you think you won't. You really want secondly you need to understand that you are what you are and where you are because you think like you think when you change your thinking you change your actions and when you change your actions you change your future change your thought life and you change your world so the question is what are you putting into your mind the old computer phrase garbage, in garbage out stop watching eight hours of toxic television fake news, why do you want to torment yourself with that garbage why pick up the good news feed your mind on the peace of God feed your mind on what this book says the joy of the Lord that maketh rich and that is no sorrow joy in the Bible is a powerful thing the pain of the past is forgotten in the presence of God.

Joy is where heaven comes down and fill your soul Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for preaching the Gospel they had been beaten bloody with whips and they were singing in the midnight hour, God sent angels down there to vibrate that jail off of its foundation and they walked out of that jail with the keys in one hand and a convert in the other because the power of joy conquered their circumstance and conquered their physical pain give the Lord pray. Now to one of the most powerful verses in all of the word of God the prophet Isaiah speaks to every person here and those of you who will be reading my blog and around the world. 

He said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel and to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives to comfort those who mourn to give beauty for the ashes of sorrow the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the Spirit of heavenness the spirit of heavenness is depression it's gloominess God says. I want to give you the garment of praise and with the car power of praise you absolutely throw off the garment of depression and you begin to experience joy that is unspeakable and full of glory I know that some of you reading this blog are going through a very dark trying time in your life in your marriage in your business with your children.

It's been a long time since you've really really been happy so for 60 seconds I'm going to give you just a little therapeutic session of heaven I want you to lift your hands and thank God for the victory that he's about to give you. Lord we thank you for the victory that's coming we thank you for the change that are being broken you pray, you talk to God about your situation we thank you because you're going to bring peace that surpasses understanding you're going to bring the oil of joy to my marriage you're going to bring our family unity back together again you're going to give financial provision that I cannot see the things that are broken in my life you're going to heal it keep that going and let the joy of the Lord that maketh rich and had us no sorrow flood your heart and fill your mind now give the Lord praise at your place. 

Think about who you are, you're a royalty the royal blood of Heaven flows through your veins God your father has taken from you poverty and given you the riches of Abraham. He's taken from you rags and adopted you as his own you are sons and daughters of the most High God. He has taken your sickness and your suffering and given you divine health. He has taken your heartache and given you joy that's unspeakable and full of Glory what satan takes from you, He will make him give it back to you many times over He has given you the Power of His Word. He has given you the power of His Name.

He has given you the power of His Blood give him praise for what He has given. The way you see yourself today will affect your performance tomorrow nothing will ever be attempted at all if every possible objection has to be overcome things which are impossible with men are possible with God, listen everything is impossible until someone does it think about that men couldn't fly for centuries until the wright brothers in 1903 completed the first controlled hour power flight in kitty hawk north carolina and they flew for about one minute in a contraption that no one would get in today but because they broke the thought barrier, now you can fly around the world on any airplane, you want to the harshness courage was something that thought generations thought could never happen and then Henry ford changed that you can't possibly build a protestant evangelical church in San Antonio.

I was told to seat 5 000 people and fill it but with God's help we did it because nothing is impossible with God. God's limitation is us when you get your mind stretched with this one verse nothing is impossible with God and whatsoever you ask in the authority of my Name, I will do it you put those two sentences together and God has given you a blank check to be what you want to be to go where you want to go to do what you want to do no one can defeat you.

2. Get up and get moving preacher

You can possibly believe in the impossible you can't believe that there's going to be the rapture of the church where people just suddenly disappear that's impossible in the natural you might see that but when you believe the Bible it's already happened several times a man by the name of Enoch went for a walk and the Bible said he was not for, God took him poof he just went to heaven he's been gone for 3 000 years and he's coming back Elijah was taken into heaven on chariots of fire he's still there he's coming back in the book of revelations to tell the people and the nations of the world that Messiah is on the way the last person the jewish people are told to look for in the last verses of the old testament.

I'm going to send you the elite the Elijah the prophet and he's going to tell you about me soon and very soon the trump of God is going to sound the dead in Christ are going to rise and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to be with the Lord in the air it's going to happen believe it or not nothing is impossible with God there's going to be a meeting in the air when the church of Jesus Christ sees the king of Glory face to face giving praise in the house of God your thought life is the advancement of your true self its roots are hidden but the fruit is visible.

I can tell what you're thinking about when I just listen to you talk I've had people tell me over the years when you get into a group of people you don't talk much because you can't learn anything talking but if you listen I can tell you what people are thinking just by listening and when I go home I know where they are they don't know where I'm at but I know where they are the roots are hidden but the fruit is visible it's your best friend or your worst enemy your attitude draws people to you or repels people from you it's never content until it is expressed it determines your success or failure it does not depend on your circumstance it depends on your choice, it's a rock-ribbed confidence that endures no matter what the circumstances may be there is no victory in life without a fight there is no sunrise without a night there is no purchase without a cross and there is no crown without a cost.

Your life embraces faith and you wallow if you wallow in doubt you will never celebrate victory satan attacks every person that God is getting ready to promote that's a Bible principle look at Joseph one day he's in jail 12 years of reversal, he is now in an inject in an egyptian jail the next day he is in the palace of pharaoh he went from the jailhouse to the penthouse in 24 hours when God gets ready to promote you no one can keep you down keep your head up keep your eyes focused turn it on the cross focus on the word take this put it in your mouth speak it and believe it and you will achieve the impossible dream give the Lord praise.

Stop saying I can't I started put the sign of a huge tombstone in that screen and put I can't buried this day at cornerstone church get it out of your mouth get it out of your mind there's nothing you cannot do if you and God are doing a righteous thing the impossible can be done it can be done it can be done stop saying if say I will by god's grace stop saying it's impossible nothing is impossible to those that believe nothing stop saying I don't know the right people you know God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit those people have lots of power master the art of forgetting the past Paul says forgetting those things which are past and reaching forward to what lies ahead I press toward the prize of the calling of Christ Jesus the lord let me teach you a therapeutic phrase that can turn your life around.

Now I've used this for this congregation for many years there are thousands that have never heard it so listen the phrase is get over it all of my children have that chiseled in their brain let's practice someone starts talking about every miserable experience you've had for the past 10 years start thinking about things that are full of emotional poison let me say this have you been hurt get over it say it get over it have you been criticized get over it have you been rejected get over it have you been betrayed get over it have you failed get over it get over it get over it today is a new day this day is a new day act like it talk like it quit wading around in the misery of your old boneyard give it up it would be impossible to estimate the number of jobs lost promotions missed sales not made marriages ruined churches destroyed by whiny thumb sucking pity pot Bible thumping cry babies without grit focus or fortitude did.

I get all that get over it one of my favorite quotations is from president Calvin coolidge and that simple phrase is press on, press on nothing in the world can take the place of Divine persistence talent will not nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent persistence and determination alone will reach the goal life is like a wheelbarrow barrel you get nowhere until you start pushing press on press on you fall down get up try again you fail forget the failure failure is a great teacher wash it off and keep moving until you reach the objective adversity exposes your thought life toward god adversity comes to all men the brightest crowns that are worn in heaven have been polished and glorified through the furnace of tribulation and adversity gold is tried in fire and the righteous are tried in the furnace of adversity adversity does not make a man either weak or strong but it reveals what you are. Proverbs 24:10 if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small, 2 corinthians 12:9 my strength is made perfect in weakness why because you're not doing it in your strength you're doing it in His.

Deuteronomy 33:25, I like this as your days are so shall your strength be that means the last day and the last hour you live you can do good things through the Power of God. God's strength will be with you, Psalms 27:1 The lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear, the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid. Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength a very present help in the time of trouble who's the help in the time of trouble god is your refuge and your strength He is our fortress He is our hightower God is our shelter in the time of the storm He is our shield in the day of battle He is the rock of our salvation in the time of storm our God is creed is greater than the greatest He's wiser than the wisest He's higher than the highest He's the great physician our God is the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He is your provider He is the light and the darkest tower He has the power to protect and deliver you from powers and principalities of darkness He gives you wisdom to those who ask He is the all-seeing eye his eye is on the sparrow and his eye is on you and you, God has not misplaced you He has numbered the hairs in your head He loves you he is your defender rejoice and be exceedingly glad give him praise in the house of God.

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